Monday, October 8, 2012


One of the most important points of the pH miracle Diet is that Cancer can be prevented and reversed by applying the principles of the diet. Although these statements have caused some controversy in the world of Health and wellness, many people credit the use of the pH miracle diet in reversing their cancer and improving their overall level of health.

According to Dr. Robert Young, the creator of the pH miracle diet, cancer is not a sickness or a Disease as commonly thought. It is an effect of the metabolic acids that are built up in the blood and then released into the tissues. Cancer, according to Dr. Young, is actually an acidic liquid that spills into the cells, tissues and organs. It is not a mutation of the cells.

No condition happens without a cause. There are clear and direct causes for cancer, and as the pH miracle diet books show, the cause for cancer lies in over acidity. Diseases like cancer are due to systemic acidosis, which is extremely low pH (below 7.4). Any pH below 7.0 is considered acidic, and the lower the pH is the higher the acidity level in a person's body is.

At the cellular level, your cells consume the food that you eat and produce metabolic acids. Those acids are normally expelled by the body through sweat or urine. When you consume a vast amount of acidic foods and lead a lifestyle that produces even more acidity, your body does not know what to do with the rest of the acid waste. When you eat highly acidic foods on a regular basis, your body simply does not have enough Energy to get rid of the excess acids. They collect in the body, and create disruptions at the cellular level.

Metabolic acids are first kept in the blood and then they are kept in the tissues. When acid is kept in the tissue, it causes sickness, disease and cancerous tissues. Cancer is the acidic liquid from metabolism that pools in the body. It affects the cells around it and, like a rotten apple in a barrel, the effects spread from cell to cell causing disease. Cancer is not made of mutated cells. The cells themselves do not change form but they are limited in their function due to the presence of excess metabolic acid. There is no such thing as "cancer cells"; the cells are actually normal cells that have become highly acidic.

One of the most surprising parts of the relationship between pH and cancer is that tumors are in fact trying to help the body. They form in areas where the metabolic acid is becoming rampant and effecting cellular function. Tumors are your body's attempt to prevent the spreading of the acidic cells to other parts of the body. The tumor is actually a signpost to where your body is collecting excess metabolic acid. Some people are genetically predisposed to collect metabolic acid in certain places. This is why some families have a history of, for example, breast cancer.

The tumors themselves are not the problem, but are just signs of what is going wrong in that part of the body. When cancer metastasizes, it is a sign of the acidic condition moving to other cells and making them acidic as well.

Cancer is not something that people get out of the blue. Cancer forming in the body is a sign of the choices that we make in what we eat, what we drink and how we live. An alkaline lifestyle that focuses on an alkaline diet and other calming behaviors will be much less likely to produce cancer, if it does at all. An acidic lifestyle and diet will be full of the pains of the build up of metabolic acid which can, in extremes, lead to cancer.

That is exciting news because it means that cancer is preventable and treatable. A cancer patient can start taking steps toward reversing the effects of cancer and preventing the spread of it. His or her alkaline centered diet may be more aggressive than someone's who is just trying to get better overall health. However, by applying the principles of the pH miracle diet they can effectively reduce, control and eliminate cancer from their bodies.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

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  Vitamin A - Vitamin A is already well known for its ability to help repair and grow skin tissue. Vitamin A also aids in strengthening your body's immune system increasing your ability to fight against infections. It has been a staple in cosmetology and cosmetics for decades in improving the condition of your skin and making it healthy. Not to mention a great acne fighting ingredient.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C plays a vital role in at least 300 of the body's basic functions and is a powerful ingredient for acne pills that work. It promotes skin health, tissue growth, and tissue repair, and also protects the body from infection. In terms of eliminating acne, it can act as an antibacterial, anti inflammatory, and antioxidant, all protecting the skin from acne. It allows your skin to release dirt and oil while also fighting free radicals that may be damaging your skin in general.

Biotin - Biotin bonds with several enzymes for metabolism, but is especially known as an important metabolite of fat. Biotin is a supplement that strengthens skin, hair, and nails but is often missing from over the counter acne pills. Biotin maintains the health in the skin, hair, and nails by improving the protein found in the hair.

Vitamin B5 - Panthothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is an essential metabolite that helps metabolize fats as well as break down sebum, the chief acne causing agent in our body. Vitamin B5 will ensure that your body keeps the sebum levels in balance and allow for clean pores and reducing acne.

Antioxidant Proprietary Blend

Green Tea - Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant that has amazing anti- inflammation properties. Such combination allows your body to fight infections and heal from wounds better. It is also great job removing toxins and eliminating harmful free radicals. Green Tea is not only good for you, it will play a powerful role in getting rid of your acne.

DMAE(brocolli) - DMAE is found in numerous drugs that are known to stabilize cell membranes. It has been reported to aid in memory and has anti-aging effects. Its overall effects are still being reviewed, but it is chemically related to choline, and related to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and may help restore that necessary neurotransmitter.

Alpha Lipoic Acid - A naturally occurring enzyme produced in the mitochondria of cells. Its inclusion in the body as a free floating antioxidant capable of linking with Vitamins C and E makes it one of the most important supplemental antioxidants. In natural form our body produces enough to maintain the mitochondria of the cell (the cell's powerhouse). When taken as a dietary supplement Alpha Lipoic Acid acts as a free floating anti oxidant capable of intra and extra cellular activity. It has been shown to prevent cellular damage, and reduce oxidative stress (which leads to aging).

Detox, Cleansers, and Balancers

Apple Cider Vinegar - A powerful detoxifier, apple cider vinegar helps detoxify the liver, which could maintain hormones and enzyme levels in your body, therefore negating that cause of your acne. It also purifies the blood and gets rid of free radicals that could damage your skin and body, and it can purify the skin, reducing irritation and infection. Apple cider vinegar is also loaded with key vitamins and minerals.
Licorice Root - Licorice Root contains natural anti-inflammatory agents that can help relieve and soothe blemished skin. It also assists in limiting the production of irritants in the body that contribute to the formation of acne.

Garlic - Garlic is becoming part of the foods commonly attributed to relieving every ailment, a modern panacea of scientific study if you will. Garlic has been increasingly linked to almost every preventable disease, problem, or illness. The sulfur compounds prevalent in garlic (responsible for its pungent odor) reduce cholesterols, triglycerides, and complex fats. They also are essential and hard to find complexes that the body uses to detoxify the bloods stream. This fat break down and antioxidant activity has been attributed with Garlic helping to clear the skin of some of its deep seated problems.

MSM - Another sulfur related compound, MSM is vital in protein metabolism. It is also an essential ingredient for collagen (necessary for skin health and vibrancy) and is part of the structural foundation of skin, hair, and nails. As a supplement it may increase your body's ability to repair itself and maintain healthy collagen levels, especially as you get older.

Dandelion - Dandelion is a popular acne removing ingredient has it is loaded with the nutrients to fortify your skin as well as detoxify your body. It is loaded with calcium, iron, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. These nutrients help strengthen the skin. It can also help cleanse the liver, remove harmful toxins and chemicals from your body.

Witch hazel - Witch Hazel extract has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and anesthetic properties, making it indispensable for a variety of different medicinal and cosmetic uses.
Glucosamine - Glucosamine supplements are most often used for arthritic joint relief. However, they are also a collagen enhancer, increasing chondrocytes (cartilage cells) to produce more collagen. Since collagen production reduces as we age, and collagen is essential for skin elasticity, this ingredient improves the vibrancy and youthfulness of your skin.

Milk Thistle - There is considerable evidence that a healthy liver is essential for regulating bile levels in the body, and essential for maintaining healthy fat stores in and around the body's vital organs, not to mention detoxifying the glands and hormone/enzyme releasing organs, allowing the body to perform at its peak. It is essential to maintaining a level of balance that affects everything from metabolism to immune function. One of these theories suggests that a healthy liver is directly related to clear skin, as the skin is just a symptom of a problem, or healthy skin is a reflection of balanced hormones. Milk thistle regulates liver toxins and cholesterols, aiding in healing and regenerating damaged portions of the liver, and cleansing it.

White Willow - The natural version of aspirin, white willow in supplements serves to enhance the effects of other ingredients in the supplement, increasing absorption, and potency. It also is an anti inflammatory, important for the healing of open acne sores, and reducing the chance of scarring.

Mangosteen - Considered the ultimate superfruit, Mangosteen has been known by many as a miracle fruit. It is rich in xanthones, which have used for centuries as topical and oral methods of treating skin. It has powerful antibacterial properties that reduce certain kinds of acnes, such as Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Noni - Noni has been one of the most powerful super fruits around. It brings with a potent antioxidant power. Its anti inflammatory properties aids in the healing of a pustule. Noni has been used to clear acne, boils, eczema, blotches, bleeding and cracking by the natives in the Pacific Islands. Noni also contains xeronin which can help remove dead tissue from burns, speeding recovery.